Being prepared for any emergency is critical. You never know when disaster will strike, so having an emergency preparedness kit can make the difference while you and your family wait for assistance. Whether there’s a fire, flood, blizzard, or tornado, it’s important to have a kit that includes the basics for survival: food, water, and warmth.
Important Items for a Disaster Kit:
- A three-day supply of water. Set aside one gallon per person per day for sanitation and drinking.
- A three-day supply of non-perishable food. Some recommended items include:
- Canned vegetables and fruit
- Ready-to-eat canned meats
- Fruit bars and granola bars
- Protein bars
- Dried fruits and nuts
- Peanut butter
- Crackers
- Canned juices
- Non-perishable, pasteurized milk or canned evaporated milk
- Manual can opener
- Battery-powered or hand-cranked radio
- Flashlights
- Extra batteries for all devices
- A first-aid kit. Some items to remember to include are:
- Bandaids, gauze, and bandage tape
- Antibiotic ointment
- Thermometer
- Burn cream or ointment
- Eyewash solution
- Over-the-counter medications including aspirin or other pain reliever, laxatives, heartburn tablets, pink bismuth liquid, and anti-diarrheal treatments
- Prescription medications that you or your family members take every day. These can include heart medicine, asthma inhalers, including emergency inhalers, insulin and syringes, or anti-depressants and anxiety medications
- Medical supplies for chronic health conditions, such as glucose monitors, blood pressure cuffs, and other supplies
- Scissors and tweezers
- Petroleum jelly or Vaseline
- Medical latex gloves
- Whistle to signal for help
- Masks that fit snugly over the nose and mouth to protect from dust and debris
- Goggles or other eye protection
- Plastic sheeting and duct tape to create a shelter
- Garbage bags, bag ties, and moist towelettes for personal cleaning and sanitation or to dispose of waste
- Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities, including in the water main and gas lines going into your home
These are the essentials to protect your family in an emergency. However, if you have extra room for additional items in your disaster preparedness kit, there are some other things to set aside:
- Pet food and extra water for pets
- Baby formula and diapers if needed
- Tampons or feminine hygiene pads
- Important documents, such as wills, social security cards, and identification cards. These can be stored in a fire-proof safe
- Cash and an emergency credit card
- Phone book with contact information of friends, family, and those important to you
- Complete change of clothing for all family members, including socks and shoes. Consider setting aside extra coats or winter gear, too
- Fire extinguisher
- Matches or lighter, stored in a waterproof container
- Plastic utensils, plates, and cups, or camping plates and utensils
- Kerosene lamp
- Paper and pens
- Books and a deck of cards
Always Be Prepared for a Disaster
Having an emergency kit isn’t the only way you should be prepared for an emergency. Make sure that you have sufficient home insurance to cover your house and your possessions, including valuables. If you aren’t sure if you have adequate homeowners insurance in Philadelphia, PA, Freedom Insurance Group can help. Give us a call for a personalized quote today!