Paying your car insurance bill each month is definitely a drag, but not for those who keep the coverage, but cut the premium! With Freedom Insurance Group, offering auto and home insurance in Philadelphia, you won’t have to look anywhere else. We will take your budget and work with you to find the best coverage you can get. We understand that the last thing you want to pay for is your car insurance bill (or any bill for that matter), that is why we want to open your mind to two ways you can start saving!
- Good Student Discount
If you or your child is under the age of 22, you are eligible for a discount of up to 20% just for getting good grades. Use this as motivation to study harder and grind those gears! It will save you money you can use on nights out with friends, travel, and, of course, coffee. All of those A’s you have worked so hard for will literally pay off with the Good Student Discount. Students will need a B average to qualify for this benefit.
- Defensive Driving Courses for Senior Citizens
As people age, it is important to adjust accordingly to weaker vision and slower reflexes as well as acquire the skills of up-to-date driving techniques. By offering a defensive driving course to improve the ability of seniors behind the wheel, insurance companies are able to offer discounts on their car insurance. Because senior citizens have a high risk of collision, it is very important to be covered by the right insurance while saving where you can. Consider taking Defensive Driving Courses to lower your monthly payment and still receive the same coverage to protect you.
Car insurance in Bensalem, PA and surrounding areas, can be lowered with these lifestyle discounts. Please consider saving on your bill by letting us at Freedom Insurance Group take you under our wing. All of our clients are treated like family; we are all in this together. We want to help you save as much money as we can while ensuring that you get the coverage you and your family deserves.