More and more Americans are choosing to take part in a healthy lifestyle, which is one of the reasons we see more and more cyclists out on the road these days. Coupled with expensive gas prices and the vehicular congestion that occurs in major cities, riding a bicycle from point A to point B has become a primary mode of transportation for many people, especially those in the city.
Does it seem that anytime you make a trip into Center City, your nerves are on edge driving around with all the cyclists? You’re not alone. Car insurance in Philadelphia, PA, is incredibly important and can protect you if there were ever an accident. Here at Freedom Insurance Group Inc., we are able to offer our customers policies that are priced well within the minimum requirement according to PA state law.
This summer, as you travel around, you should also be sure to know how to share the road with cyclists. Check out our five tips below.
1.) Freshen up on Common Biking Signals
We’ve all seen the bikers pedaling around sticking their arms and hands out to signify an upcoming turn stop or change of lane. But what exactly do the different biking signals mean? As a smart driver, you should take the time to read up on common biking signals so you can be aware for your next drive.
2.) Know That Bikers Have Rights on the Road
Since cyclists are required to follow the same laws as drivers, they have the same right as you to be on the roads. By putting yourself in the cyclist’s position, you can better understand the difficulties cyclists face.
3.) Stay Off Your Phone
This is a given, even if there are no cyclists around. The last thing you need is another distraction while driving that can put you and others at risk. Just stay off your phone!
4.) Give Some Space When Passing
The best way to prevent against a swipe or collision is by allowing plenty of room between you and the bike you are passing. Treat passing a cyclist as if it was like any other vehicle on the road.
5.) Keep Cyclist in Mind After You Park
No, we’re not saying your whole entire life has to revolve around cyclists. But, if you find yourself having to park on the side of the road, you should be alert for cyclists as you open your car door. This is really important to keep in mind if a bike lane is in between the driving and parking lane.
For more great tips like this, or to learn about our homeowners insurance in Philadelphia, PA give us a call at 215-375-7733.